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Welcome to the Junction City Sundowners Snowmobile Club website. We are a member of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC) and the Alliance of Portage County Snowmobile Clubs). We are a social group that meets in fellowship around snowmobiling. We have about 100 members and we groom and maintain about 75 miles of trails in Central Wisconsin. Young or old, there is a place for everyone in our club. We hold a major fundraiser each year in July during the Junction City Community Picnic and work together to keep our trails in good shape through weekend projects in the fall. We also host a Chili Dump Party each winter as well as Friday Night Dinner Rides when conditions allow during the winter months. Our groomer operators donate their time to drive our equipment which consists of a John Deere Tractor and LMC as well as our drags. Everyone is a volunteer, dedicated to promote our sport, establish and maintain our trail system and have a little fun along the way. Club meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 7:00pm September through May and are open to all current and potential members. See Map for location |